Lymm member, Elliot Knox recently paid a visit to Lymmvale with a view to banking one or two of it’s carp and as you will see below, things went well!
“When I arrived at the ‘Vale, I spotted a few fish in the upper layers and breaking the surface, this filled me full of hope. It was quite a pleasant, warm day and the water where the fish were showing was around 11’ deep. I decided on fishing zig-rigs and given the depth of water, it made sense to opt for an adjustable zig.
The first cast went bang-on the spot. While I was then setting up my second rod, the first one let out a single bleep of the alarm. I’d arrived here having been made aware by people that the carp could be tricky at times, so I looked down in disbelief as the rod hooped over and the clutch started ticking!
A very spirited scrap ensued, but eventually I drew the fish into my waiting net and couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the very distinctive colours of a fine looking koi that tipped the scales at 22lb 2oz. The fish put up a hell of a scrap, sadly that was my only action of the day, but I’ll gladly settle for that every time. Now, I can’t wait to get back down to the ‘Vale!”
Elliot proudly showing off his 22lb 2oz koi carp.
Well done, Elliot on a belting fish and lovely little write up! Should you wish to have a go for fish such as Elliots’, then take a look at our website, where you will find details of all our waters and, of course, joining information. We look forward to hearing from you!