The booking system will be unavailable for a short period on Friday evening 19th March whilst the new changes are put in place. The slot system detailed below will go-live from Saturday 20th March on Belmont Pool, Serpentine Pool, Top Pool and Wrinehill Pool, this will allow us some down time to make the changes to the system requested by you in the positive feedback received since the booking system was introduced. If you've already booked a specific peg on Belmont Pool or Serpentine Pool from Saturday 20th March the booking will be cancelled and replaced with a new booking for a slot on the same pool on the same date so in theory you shouldn't miss out!
Dear Members, The booking system has been in place for 10 weeks on Belmont Pool and Serpentine Pool, there are now over 500 members registered to access the Members Area via the main website. There has been a total of 393 bookings and 139 cancellations meaning an actual total of 254 confirmed bookings with Saturday and Sunday bookings proving most popular. Day Fishing Booking valid for a 12 hour stay from ONE HOUR BEFORE DAWN UNTIL DUSK, strictly NO NIGHT FISHING, the booking forms will be updated when night fishing is reinstated. To address being unable to book a peg after 8am on the day even though the original booking has been cancelled we have created daily booking that technically start at; 7pm Serpentine Pool 8pm Belmont Pool 9pm Top Pool 10pm Wrinehill Pool This is to allow for cancelled booking so pegs/slots can be booked on the day up until the times above. NOTE Ignore booking times of 7pm, 8pm, 9pm or 10pm your booking starts one hour before dawn on the date booked. NOTE Ignore booking times of 7pm, 8pm, 9pm or 10pm, Night Fishing When COVID restrictions are relaxed sufficiently to allow night fishing the following will apply to all bookings. All bookable pools are 12 noon till 10am next day no arrival before 11am to allow for pegs to be vacated and inspected and congestion in the car parks kept to a minimum. Moving forward where a water requires you to book on, each water will have a limited amount of slots, this governs the amount of anglers allowed to fish per 24 hours. Members will be allowed to fish a 22 hour period in a 24hour day 12 noon till 10am next day no arrival before 11am, where a water allows up to 48 hours fishing it will require the member to book 2 days back to back, giving up to 46 hours fishing in a 48hr period (first day 12 noon to 10am, second day 10am to 10am third day). NOTE A decision has been made to create slots on Belmont and Serpentine. Each day Belmont will have 5 slots available, and Serpentine will have 6 slots available. Upon arrival you are allowed to walk around the water and choose your swim, if there are other anglers doing the same you MUST decide amongst yourselves who is fishing each peg, we expect common sense and good behaviour from all our members therefore anyone found to be in breach of the club rules will be dealt with by the club in accordance with the disciplinary procedure. Booking privileges can be withdrawn indefinitely and without further notice. Cancellation Policy To reschedule or cancel your booking please sign into your Members Area account at the main website and click on My Bookings > Reschedule Booking to another date or Cancel Booking. 'FOMO' Fear Of Missing Out - Please do not make a booking unless you are almost certain you can attend the booking, if you reschedule or cancel your booking frequently you will be blocked from the booking system for a minimum period of 1 month. Feedback from Members Feedback and comments have been positive and the remodelling and restocking of the Belmont estate has been welcomed by members. The booking system has taken away the risk of arriving and not finding a peg free on the main pools but also members have commented on having to choose a specific peg when booking and also being unable to book a peg after 8am on the day even though the original booking has been cancelled. From Saturday 20th March 2021 To address booking a specific peg the club will trial booking a daily slot instead of a specific peg on Belmont Pool, Serpentine Pool, Top Pool and Wrinehill Pool. The water maps below show peg numbers and not the number of slots bookable each day which vary from water to water as follows.
Belmont Pool Once night fishing is allowed there will be 5 booking slots available in each 24-hour period. The map above shows peg numbers not slot numbers, up to 5 anglers can book a 22-hour session all bookable slots are 12 noon till 10am next day no arrival before 11am to allow for pegs to be vacated and inspected and congestion in the car parks kept to a minimum. You are allowed to walk around the water and choose your swim, if there are other anglers doing the same you MUST decide amongst yourselves who is fishing each peg, we expect common sense and good behaviour from all our members therefore anyone found to be in breach of the club rules will be dealt with by the club in accordance with the disciplinary procedure. Booking privileges can be withdrawn indefinitely and without further notice.
Serpentine Pool Once night fishing is allowed there will be 6 booking slots available in each 24-hour period. The map above shows peg numbers not slot numbers, up to 6 anglers can book a 22-hour session all bookable slots are 12 noon till 10am next day no arrival before 11am to allow for pegs to be vacated and inspected and congestion in the car parks kept to a minimum. You are allowed to walk around the water and choose your swim, if there are other anglers doing the same you MUST decide amongst yourselves who is fishing each peg, we expect common sense and good behaviour from all our members therefore anyone found to be in breach of the club rules will be dealt with by the club in accordance with the disciplinary procedure. Booking privileges can be withdrawn indefinitely and without further notice.
Top Pool Once night fishing is allowed there will be 6 booking slots available in each 24-hour period. The map above shows peg numbers not slot numbers, up to 6 anglers can book a 22-hour session all bookable slots are 12 noon till 10am next day no arrival before 11am to allow for pegs to be vacated and inspected and congestion in the car parks kept to a minimum. You are allowed to walk around the water and choose your swim, if there are other anglers doing the same you MUST decide amongst yourselves who is fishing each peg, we expect common sense and good behaviour from all our members therefore anyone found to be in breach of the club rules will be dealt with by the club in accordance with the disciplinary procedure. Booking privileges can be withdrawn indefinitely and without further notice.
Wrinehill Pool Once night fishing is allowed there will be 12 booking slots available in each 24-hour period. The map above shows peg numbers not slot numbers, up to 12 anglers can book a 22-hour session all bookable slots are 12 noon till 10am next day no arrival before 11am to allow for pegs to be vacated and inspected and congestion in the car parks kept to a minimum. You are allowed to walk around the water and choose your swim, if there are other anglers doing the same you MUST decide amongst yourselves who is fishing each peg, we expect common sense and good behaviour from all our members therefore anyone found to be in breach of the club rules will be dealt with by the club in accordance with the disciplinary procedure. Booking privileges can be withdrawn indefinitely and without further notice. Please note: the club expects ONLY members on the banks who have made a booking, Members are not permitted to arrive and walk around the pool if they haven’t booked to fish.