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More Lymmvale success!

Lymmvale certainly seems to be producing the goods lately, Lymm AC member, Michael Brown, recently visited the water for an afternoon session and bagged a couple of it’s jewels! Read Michael’s account below………

“After watching the weather forecast the night before, I had pretty much given up on fishing the next day. Heavy downpours were expected and after getting drenched a few days previously, I had lost some of my hardcore angling spirit! However, by midday the weather was gorgeous and with little else to do and Lymmvale just up the road, I couldn’t resist a short afternoon session. I arrived to find that there were only a few anglers on and considering it had been warm all day, with the sun beaming down, I opted for the shallow water of the Sandbank peg.

As soon as I got into the swim I could see groups of carp grazing across the shallow gravel so I hurriedly began setting up the rod with a simple flatbed method feeder rig. I picked a spot over to the left where I had seen the most fish moving and cast out. After a few recasts the bobbin pulled up tight and I lifted into the first fish of the day, which to my pleasant surprise was a lovely 6lbs 2oz tench. Knowing that tench are rarely alone, I recast in the hope of a second capture but the next hour passed without so much as a bleep.

Just as I thought I had only been lucky with the tench, the bobbin slowly edged upwards, I left it for a moment as the take was so slow I thought it may just be a liner, but as the tension increased and line began peeling from the spool, I knew I had hooked another of Lymmvale’s residents.Straight away it was evident that it wasn’t a tench. It was moving slow and heavy, it kited to the right which was a relief as there are a few submerged trees to the left that would have spelled disaster. As it moved closer in I could see through the gin clear water that I had hooked my best carp in a long time.  I slipped the net under its dark brown flanks and breathed a sigh of relief. After a quick photo she weighed in at 27lbs 4oz, just short of my PB. Needless to say I was ecstatic!


Smiling like a Cheshire cat I cast out yet again and an hour or so later the alarm gave a shrill one toner as line was torn from the spool. I had hooked what must have been the fastest tench I’ve ever had, it flew across the lake with a powerful run and after a lively, if not short lived, fight, I landed a stunning 7lbs 5oz beauty, only 1oz off my PB that I caught from the bench peg back in April. All in all a great afternoons fishing on a stunning water with some of the northwest’s best specimens!”


Congratulations, Michael, a couple of superb specimens there and a lovely write up to accompany them, well done! If you would like to experience the sort of fishing that Michael has outlined above, then why not visit our website at where you will find details of all our waters and details of how to join us, we look forward to hearing from you.

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